
What's a discord server
What's a discord server


Depending on what you want to do, head to the Server Settings -> Threads, and select one of these:


To create or chat in Discord threads, you will need some permissions from the server in which you want to participate. However, while Discord threads are free to use, there are some paid functionalities users can unlock if they have a Discord Nitro subscription (more on that below). Discord has been planning this functionality for a while now and aimed at implementing it sooner or later. Sounds useful, doesn’t it? So, let’s learn how to create Discord threads.ĭiscord threads are free to use and chat in for all users in a Discord server. Once the thread has reached a conclusion and is idle, it automatically archives itself. It moves the conversation to that thread while the channel can continue talking about how cool Batman is. So if you have groups of friends who want to suddenly discuss if Penne is the best type of pasta, you can quickly create a Discord thread for it. However, once you learn how to create Discord threads, you will see how easy it is.ĭiscord threads are handy in situations when multiple people are talking over each other, but nobody is listening. If that sounds confusing, don’t worry because it did to us too at first. Think of Discord threads as a channel within a channel but one you can remove easily once the conversation wears off. The Discord thread will exist within the scope of that channel itself but will have a different place where members may talk about a particular topic. Simply put, Discord threads are a quick way to create a separate feed for any such conversations without creating a new channel. That is exactly the problem Discord threads aim to solve. And before you know it, the entire channel is flooded with messages full of random topics and discussions. If you are a regular Discord user, you already know how quickly one conversation can branch off into seven different ones. How to Find Existing Discord Threads (Active or Archived)ĭo Discord Threads Benefit from Server Boosting via Discord Nitro What Are Discord Threads and What Do They Do?ĭo I Need Any Permissions to Use Discord Threads?

What's a discord server